
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Playoff Preview: First Round Match Up - Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Chicago Bulls

This is one series I feel in no doubt speculating about: The Cleveland Cavaliers is obviously the better team and will undoubtedly best the Bulls in this best of seven series in the first round of the play off. On the other Chicago has had a great run to make it into the playoffs; unfortunately they don’t have enough strength and size to take on the Cavaliers.

With the guidance of the KING, the league MVP LeBron James, the Cleveland Cavaliers are just too deep and too experienced. Equipped with high caliber weapons like Shaq, Z, Williams and Jamison there is nothing that this team doesn’t have – they have size, scoring, defense, rebounding. And they are on a mission to get in to the Finals.

In Cavaliers mind, they want to take Bulls out right away. Fortunately, LeBron get right back into his rhythm as he returns to the court after taking some time off and give Cavaliers a two nothing game advantage over Bulls.

Chicago is competing two things have to happen for as the play offs goes on: Noah has to play off the charts like he did during the past games and guards Rose and Hinrich have to make shots. Deng also has to play big because he’s probably going to be guarding LeBron, in order to retain their moral after losing two times in a row at the Quicken Loans Arena.
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