
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Miami Heat’s Championship DNA?

Not everyone will consent with their methods, a four-part series — Inside the Heat: Championship DNA probably won’t endear them to the masses in places like Boston, Chicago, Orlando or even Los Angeles.

But their sheer disdain for any reasonable limit to the expectations they’ve placed on themselves is both refreshing and frightening at the same time.

They’ve already created a cottage industry out of their own hype —’s “Heat Index” launched Monday and it’s only a small piece of the massive coverage plan various media outlets have in store for this team.

Some people would argue that touting your “Championship DNA” in October is wildly presumptuous.

I’m having a hard time reconciling the words of both Dwyane Wade and LeBron James, each of whom has tried to cover the expectations in recent weeks by claiming that the hype, and the subsequent backlash, surrounding this team is media generated as opposed to an inside job.

That’s nonsense.

These guys didn’t have any problem embracing the hype in July, so don’t pass off the responsibility for it all now. There’s nothing wrong with chasing championships. I don’t think anyone, not even their biggest critics, and begrudge them for that.

It’s just that there seems to be so much sizzle riding the back, at least for now, of so little substance.
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