
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Obama on Heat: 'It takes some time'

ORLANDO, Fla. – Miami's slower-than-expected start is a talking point around the NBA. Around the White House, too.

And the nation's First Fan says the Heat will need time to reach their best.

President Barack Obama — who wasn't thrilled that LeBron James and Dwyane Wade turned down the Chicago Bulls this summer — told ABC's Barbara Walters that when it comes to the Heat, it would be prudent for fans to be patient.

"It takes some time for the team to come together," Obama said. "There's no 'I' in team. So no matter how good a player is, no matter how good a group of players are, if they haven't played together before they are not going to be as good as a team that has played together a long time."

The Heat dropped to 8-7 with a 104-95 loss in Orlando on Wednesday
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