
Thursday, February 10, 2011

History in the Making: 2,562 times 3 for Ray Allen

BOSTON - Ray Allen has spent thousands of hours alone in a gym, practicing shooting, and when all efforts have paid off what he wanted more than anything was to share the honor.

With his family.

With his teammates.

With Reggie Miller, who worked on the short side of the telecast, when Allen broke the NBA record with his 3-pointer on Thursday night.

"Someone told me, 'This is your moment. Have fun." And I'm sitting there thinking that I never really had a moment that is mine, "Allen said after hitting three 3-indications against the Los Angeles Lakers to go to the top of the NBA's all-time list." I always shared with friends. ... I've never been a time when I had to stand there and say "thank you", because in reality I was. "

Allen hit his second 3 of the game with 1:48 left in the first quarter 2561 to reach in his career - a number that flashes on the dashboard in green and white, while the TD Garden erupted in applause.

35-year-old Celtic celebrated a bit 'as is back on defense, but the next whistle Miller moved to hug and a handshake, then rammed his fists with Lakers star Kobe Bryant.

"I'm so happy for her, because this is one of the best guys," Miller said TNT broadcast. "He is so humble, he is so determined, it is a good family man and I'm excited. This is great. This is great for basketball. You know why? Investing and talking about the shooting."

The record came on a basket of transition from the right side on a pass from Rajon Rondo. The sellout crowd at the TD Garden - a visit to the rival Lakers would have been sufficient for it - applauded, and his teammates came out of their seats.

"If I could have hidden, I would," Allen said. "I almost felt a little embarrassed because there was so much attention to this issue 3-point, and I've never really known because it is a team sport .. Very rarely you that emotional support individual So it was so overwhelming, but it was a great moment. I will remember for the rest of my life. "

After the quarter ended, Allen exchanged some words and a hug with another Miller, went to the touchline to receive the congratulations of his family. Allen was one more in the game to finish two ahead of Miller, but the Celtics lost the NBA finals rematch 92-86.

"I told him:" I'm glad you're here because it's your time well, "Allen said." When we came into the league, Allen Iverson, myself, all the guys in my class came ... Reggie was taken care that we were out there competing and trying to beat. It was a privilege to play with and play against him for this, and beat his record, and I in the building. - I would not have otherwise. "

6-foot-5 guard Connecticut, Allen is the top scorer No 25 in league history, finishing the night and 21 875 points in a 15-year career with Milwaukee, Seattle and Boston. He is already the leader of all time in the NBA in 3-pointers made per game since the shot was introduced in 1979, an average of 2.4.

"It 's just a car," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said before the game. "He shoots every day. He works. He runs every day. You look like her body. If you look at the young player Ray Allen, if you want a long career. He Pro Ultimate."

Allen was to record a bit 'faster than Miller's 6,430 shots without the need to obtain information - share of 39.8. Miller took over 6486 shots from 3-point distance in his career of 18 years, Indiana Pacers, when 39.5 percent.

Allen said beforehand that he had trouble sleeping unexpectedly, Wednesday evening, pending combination of NBA Finals against the Lakers rival a rematch and a chance to break the record.
"For the fans, I'm sure it's sweet. But for me, I'm really happy for Ray," Bryant said. "It's just unbelievable."

Allen came into the season, needs 117 to pass Miller, and he went into the need to link one night and two for the record. With the crowd cheering in anticipation every time he took the ball beyond the arc, he lost his first attempt and then his second of the top of the key.

Allen was a fist pump when teammate Nate Robinson lifted a finger in the air. The next time down, Allen, Paul Pierce passed ball on the left side and shot up another image that the public is unhappy, he left the circle. He missed the first attempt, too, but then has a record of his fifth 3-point attempts in the game.

"It's a little history, the Lakers and Celtics, Los Angeles forward Ron Artest said with a smile. "He chose to wait and do it against us. He did it on purpose." He waited and waited "until he plays against the Lakers. He is intelligent. Good marketing plan."
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