
Friday, February 25, 2011

New-look Nuggets Bang Short Handed Celtics 89-75

DENVER – The integration of five new players offensively will take time for the Denver Nuggets. Defense? That came immediately.

Nuggets kept short-handed - and shortened - Boston Celtics profit in the last minute over six Thursday night, closing the game with a 16-0 run 89-75 victory, their second in a row from the front Carmelo Anthony and Chauncey Billups at the New York Knicks.

"Defense is all effort," said Kenyon Martin, who led Denver with 18 points and 10 rebounds despite playing with the flu and missing the second quarter to get two bags of intravenous fluids.

"This is the difficulty of play. Plans to come and go," said Martin. "This is simply to give maximum effort every day. That's what we did. That's what we will continue to do so."

Wilson Chandler, one of the newcomers, had 16 points and eight players each played more than 20 minutes coach George Karl system to spread the new wealth stars Ty Lawson and Raymond Felton time to divide point to the last five minutes when they were in the field and helped the Nuggets to get out.

The game between two teams who have transformed their lists before the NBA trade deadline. Nuggets took a lot of new players and the Celtics a lot of empty seats along the bench after a wave of occupations that have landed a large group of men.

Celtics dressed only nine players and had to fight through the emotions of losing center Kendrick Perkins, who was treated in Oklahoma City to forward Jeff Green in the greater Boston trio trading Thursday.

"Tough day to play basketball," said Kevin Garnett. "Very difficult day to play basketball, not concentrated. Being honest right. You feel like you lost a family member today. Hard day. "

"It was very moving, especially for me is that I had the chance to see Perkins grow from day one, fresh from high school who come here and see the level he has come to a team of championship, "said Paul Pierce." It's definitely emotional. I had the chance to talk with him this afternoon a little, he was certainly injured. The guys around this locker room was pretty painful to see Perk go. "

Nuggets, 2-0 since trading Melo, had their full complement of players, but their best defensive player, Martin, spent the second quarter in the locker room.

New Nuggets Chandler, Danilo Gallinari and Felton went to a slow start, combined to shoot 2 for 12 in the first half, which ended in Denver ahead 37-36.

Denver took a 61-60 in the fourth quarter, when the pace taken lightly.

Pierce led Boston with 17 points, hit a 3-points with 6:05 left that gave a lead of 75-73 in Boston, but the Celtics would not score again.

Chandler 3-pointer put Denver in front of a good, and three-point play by Martin with 3:03 left gave Denver the largest lead to a point at 79-75.

Celtics Eastern Conference leading also dealt reserve Nate Robinson Thunder and scored Nenad Krstic, a future first round draft picks and cash in accordance Perkins.

Earlier in the day, the Celtics draft picks acquired by sending forward Luke Harangody and rookie center Semih Erden in Cleveland and forward Marquis Daniels injured in Sacramento.

With such a short bench for coach Doc Rivers to work with, called the Celtics center Chris Johnson of the D-League, made him sign a contract for 10 days and put right to work. He scored six points.

Once loaded inner dimension, the Celtics now have the hope of Shaquille O'Neal and Jermaine O'Neal to get healthy in time for the playoffs.

"We have healthy Shaq. Shaq will be healthy. But if Shaq plays a lot, this operation was obviously very, very good for us," said Rio.

Participation Krstic center from Thunder, when they returned to the NBA from Russia in December 2008 should help to mitigate the loss of Perkins Boston.

It was not just the Perkins' departure, the Celtics were so sad.

"We lost Semhar, Luca, Quis" Garnett said, stopping. "Just a tough day. A difficult day."Nuggets hope to stay in playoff race in the West after the megadeal that led Gallinari, Felton, Chandler, and Timofey Mazgov Kosta Koufus New York and Minnesota.

"The last two games have probably been more fun for me to coach and win because you play a strong and united," said Karl. "We have too many talented children. It can not be the same story every night, but we'll see how you can score points and we'll find a way to win if we play hard and defend. "

The Celtics are concerned about its chemical composition without Perkins.

"I'm sorry to lose a teammate like Perkins," Pierce said. "He meant so much. People do not understand the chemistry of the bus engine is derived from the dressing room, so it's definitely a shock. It depends on how the other guys to adjust.

Pierce also said that this is an example of the ruthlessness of the NBA for both.

"The nature of business," he said. "People think LeBron James was ice cold in Cleveland the way it is. This is an example of how to do it consistently until the end. It can not be angry with the players, because it can happen to them suddenly, as if the player can be anywhere he wants. It 's just a real character. "

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