
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Miami Heat Part With Carlos Arroyo, Clearing spot for Mike Bibby

MIAMI - LeBron James spoke with Mike Bibby, one week after the last game, and twice NBA MVP title keeps the exact details of this private conversation.

One thing is known: It was a recruiting ground.

"I gave him the eye," James said. "And I think the eye worked."

Since Wednesday evening, James and the heat can not say that with certainty.

The heat released Tuesday by a file location paths separated by Carlos Arroyo, and even if the team officials had no comment because the rules of the NBA, more players - James, Dwyane Wade, Mario Chalmers, among others - have Bibby said the council shortly.

Bibby should be in South Florida Wednesday, are likely to participate in target practice in the morning practice Thursday and be in uniform when the Heat play the Orlando Magic of the night.

"I think it's a good thing for us," said Eddie House keeps heat, Bibby's brother. "He will do many things that can help LeBron, Dwyane and everybody here."

Miami move Arroyo announced in time for the veteran guard to sign with another team and be eligible to list their playoffs.

"It was a very difficult decision to make because Carlos has done a great job for this team and this organization," Heat president Pat Riley said. "It is truly a first class individuals and professionals. We wish him nothing but the best. "

Bibby has been sold to Atlanta and Washington last week. It 'was in Miami on Friday for his first - and, ultimately, the next-to-last - Wizards game that he was aware of the marks buyout, but no one knows what the future may hold.

"I can not control," said Bibby.

Wizards and Bibby reached an agreement to acquire, on Monday, and it did not take long to make his next destination. This means that the heat at a crucial moment of the season, will give a new point guard in training on the fly how to play the game.

"It's easier with experienced players with a high IQ and has a definite system and philosophy," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra. "What we're doing."

As Bibby is a player the Heat on Wednesday, Spoelstra could not talk to him separately.
James could.

"It will help us immensely," said James.
The Heat had discussions with other players who have hit the market through acquisitions, such as Troy Murphy, who should be signed on Wednesday in Boston. If Murphy has taken over in Miami, the Heat probably would have left the little-used big man Jamaal Magloire to create a roster.

Magloire was relieved to be at practice on Tuesday.

"I'd be disappointed otherwise" Magloire said.

Spoelstra said he can not wait to ask what will happen to Miami to file late.

"Once you have passed that date, you can focus on absolutes - as you and you do not," said Spoelstra. "And we're close. ... I think our team is good enough."

Miami (43-17) entered play Tuesday, a game behind Boston (43-15) and the first game in Chicago (41-17) contest first place in the Eastern Conference.

Bibby averaged 9.4 points and 3.6 assists as a starter with Atlanta this season, his 13 in the league. The heat became the fifth NBA team, a list which also includes Vancouver, Sacramento, Atlanta Hawks and the Wizards, who shot a 9 in two games after the trade of what he said was taken by surprise the week pass.

He also appeared and started in 80 playoff games, which is more than any other current player heat. Zydrunas Ilgauskas and James have been in 71 playoff games, all during their time together in Cleveland.

"Some features are surprising and unexpected," said Wade. "The Mike Bibby (trade) was probably the most surprising, unexpected moves. Many people think that it was Kendrick Perkins moves (from Boston to Oklahoma City), but I think it was Mike Bibby. Nobody expected it. It became available and when the opportunity arises, you have to jump on them. "

Arroyo was not at practice and did not immediately respond to a text message. He started 42 games for Miami this season and played in seven, but recorded only 27 minutes of cutting time from 30 January - more than half of that coming in a game February 16 in Toronto.

"It is never easy," said Wade. "It's always bitter, especially in this situation. We look at it, he has been doing an excellent job of Carlos really done anything wrong. It is very regrettable. The only thing that can only hope lies in a good situation."
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