
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Knicks Deem they’ll Get it Right by Playoffs

Greenburgh, NY - Even before needing five stitches above his left eye, Carmelo Anthony understood this could be painful.

Despite the New York Knicks were seen as a dangerous team after trading for him, but are two games in 0500, and that did the trick. And the more time they spend together, the worse they played.

A team with Anthony and Amare Stoudemire, the NBA's second highest scoring duo running Mike D'Antoni's system that has suffered three straight subpar offensive Thurs and the offense is supposed to be the highlight Knicks.

But when they reach one month anniversary of his arrival, Anthony says that these games are not a surprise, and he still believes it is time for the Knicks before passing.

"It's something I tell myself I keep telling the guys on the team, at the end of the day will get where we want to do. And I'm not too worried about it," Anthony said Tuesday after practice to look a little bloated after what he said was the first time he needed stitches.

"I am sure I am in favor of making it happen, making it all work, and especially I know we are losing games at the moment, but everyone seems that their energy is up, no bend the head and the sadness of nothing because everyone knows that would not be easy. This is a long road to get where we want to be. "

It was a lot more potholes than anyone could have imagined.

New York fell to 7-9 by Anthony on Monday to acquire 96-86 loss to the Boston Celtics, when he cut off after the collision with Rajon Rondo trying to steal the pass. The Knicks have dropped six of seven years, and 35-35, is to lose a record for the first time since November, if they lose on Wednesday in Orlando team that has already been beaten twice this season.

The Knicks talked about moving to No 5 seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs, but are lagging behind in Philadelphia in the seventh, after they had the No. 6 spot for more than three months.
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