
Friday, March 4, 2011

Magic Rally to Stagger LeBron and Miami

MIAMI (Reuters) - The Orlando Magic Miami numbed with a return in the second half inspired on Friday, overcoming a deficit of 24 points with a burst of three points to secure a thrilling 99-96 victory in heat.

The Magic took control with a run of 18 points fools right in the fourth quarter, spelled out a late fee of Miami in the final seconds of the match.

"That one almost defies explanation," said Magic coach Stan Van Gundy.

"Even six minutes into the second half, we just looked down and out. We had no way to stop 'em.

"It was a great comeback. This is probably one of those games I will remember in 10 years. When I forget everything except all losses. This is a victory that I could remember. "

Orlando, who scored an impressive 48 points from the three point line, led all scorers with 24 points from Jason Richardson to move within three games of Miami to lead the Southeast Division.

LeBron James had 29 points and Dwyane Wade added 28 to lead the way to Miami, the duo combined for 47 points as the heat of an advance of 63-45 at halftime.

"We're measuring right now. We just keep pushing through. There is no other way to put it," said Heat coach Erik Spoelstra.

"The guys really wanted it. For most games, we played hard enough to get there and then the tide turned already."

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